Project Bid Invitation
Project: Della Rosa
Project Location:
14800 Beach Blvd.; 14822 Beach Blvd.; 14842 Beach Blvd.; 14846 Beach Blvd.
Westminster, CA 92683
Anticipated Commencement date of the work:
March 18, 2019
Bid Documents :
Each bid shall be in accordance with the bid documents found at the following link:
Prevailing Wages and Davis Bacon:
This is a federal funded project with Davis Bacon Prevailing Wage Requirements (29 CFR 5.5), the Residential Federal wage determination is CA190017.
It may be found here:
DIR Registration:
Due to the funding sources for this project, DIR registration is not required.
Section 3 Requirements:
This project has HUD Section 3 requirements (24CFR135)
Bids Due Date:
All interested subcontractors shall submit their bids for this project by 5pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 to Frances Funez at HA Builder Group:, (818) 903-9010